新媒体时代下非遗古城文化传承创新性研究——以揭阳古城为例Innovative research on cultural inheritance of intangible heritage ancient City in the new media era: taking Jieyang Ancient City as an example
非物质文化遗产, 传统文化, 传承与发展Abstract
本研究聚焦于揭阳古城非遗文化的传承,采用实地调研、案例分析和问卷调查等方法。研究发现,该地区在非遗文化传播方面存在传播方式单一、目标对象不明确、创新性不足以及合作机制不健全等问题。例如,传统宣传手段局限、当地群众认知不足、宣传方式过于保守,与各方合作较少等。针对这些问题,本文提出了构建新媒体矩阵与多元化传播策略,以及以创新思维引领内容创作与运营的建议,例如创意策划、社群互动和文创产品开发。同时,本文还提出了促进古城文化可持续发展的具体措施,包括加强非遗传承保护、完善旅游设施与服务、深化合作交流以及持续监测与评估。此外,对于合作机制不健全的问题,本文建议通过提供线下实体支持和打造本土文创产品的策略加以改善,旨在为揭阳古城非遗文化的传承与发展提供有效路径。This study focuses on the inheritance of intangible cultural heritage (ICH) in the ancient city of Jieyang, employing methods such as field research, case studies, and questionnaires. The findings reveal several issues, including a lack of diversity in communication methods, unclear target audiences, insufficient innovation, and underdeveloped collaboration mechanisms. Examples include the limitations of traditional promotional approaches, insufficient public awareness among local residents, conservative communication strategies, and limited cooperation with various stakeholders. To address these challenges, the study proposes constructing a new media matrix and adopting diversified communication strategies, as well as leveraging innovative thinking to guide content creation and operations. Specific suggestions include creative planning, community engagement, and cultural product development. Furthermore, the study outlines measures to promote the sustainable development of the ancient city’s culture, such as strengthening the protection of intangible cultural heritage, improving tourism facilities and services, enhancing collaboration and exchanges, and conducting continuous monitoring and evaluation. In addition, for the issue of underdeveloped collaboration mechanisms, the study recommends providing offline support and developing local cultural and creative products as strategies to improve cooperation. These recommendations aim to offer effective pathways for the inheritance and development of intangible cultural heritage in the ancient city of Jieyang.

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