反思与突破:新世纪以来基督教在华医疗传教研究路径述评 Reflection and Breakthrough: A Review of Research on Christian Medical Missions in China Since the New Century
新世纪, 医疗传教, 反思, 突破Abstract
基督教四度入华,医疗传教都曾发挥重要作用。在新世纪以来的基督教研究中,医疗传教研究主要集中于以城市为中心的医疗传教历史梳理、以基督教为主体的医疗传教原因分析、以地区为视域的医疗传教实践和影响研究等方面。基于既有研究,还需加强医疗传教跨地区的整体性研究、以信仰主体为中心的研究、医疗与传教关系研究以及借医传教的基督教中国化研究。Christianity has entered China four times, with medical missions playing a significant role each time. Since the beginning of the new century, research on Christian medical missions has primarily focused on the historical review of urban-centered medical missions, the analysis of the reasons for medical missions centered on Christianity, and the exploration of the practices and impacts of medical missions from regional perspectives. Building on existing research, further efforts are needed to strengthen cross-regional studies of medical missions, faith-centered research, studies on the relationship between medicine and mission, and investigations into the indigenization of Christianity in China through medical missions.

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