跨文化传播视角下传统节日民俗与中医药文化资源开发路径研究 Research on the Development Path of Traditional Festival Folklore and Traditional Chinese Medicine Cultural Resources from the Perspective of Cross cultural Communication
跨文化传播, 节日民俗, 中医药文化, 开发路径Abstract
中医药跨文化传播的广度和深度取决于行为制度的建设、中医药物质形象的塑造以及广大民众情感基础的培育。如何有效地将中华文化的整体观、系统观等哲学思想,以及中医学相关术语传播至海外,本文认为既需要自上而下的制度设计,也需要自下而上地通过民间活动和民俗文化的渗透,逐步提升海外民众对中医药文化的理解、共鸣,从而促进其接受与推广。自下而上的路径安排有助于夯实中医药文化的消费基础,从而推动其产业链的完整发展。传统节日民俗与中医药文化同根于中华传统文化的沃土,二者均是对生命、健康和疾病的独特解读。借助传统节日民俗,可以延伸并完善中医药文化产业链,挖掘其独特资源,拓展多元传播媒介,促进跨文化交流与融合,从而推动中医药文化的全球传播,使其更具广度和深度。The breadth and depth of cross-cultural communication of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) depend on the construction of institutional frameworks, the shaping of TCM’s material image, and the cultivation of the emotional foundation among the general public. Regarding how to effectively disseminate the holistic and systematic perspectives of Chinese philosophy, along with relevant TCM terminologies, this paper argues that both top-down institutional design and bottom-up grassroots engagement through folk activities and customs are essential. A bottom-up approach helps gradually enhance foreign audiences' understanding, resonance, and acceptance of TCM, ultimately fostering its promotion and application. This approach also lays a solid consumer foundation for the comprehensive development of the TCM cultural industry chain. Traditional festival folklore and TCM culture both originate from the rich soil of Chinese traditional culture, offering unique interpretations of life, health, and disease. Leveraging traditional festival customs can help extend and refine the TCM cultural industry chain, uncover distinctive TCM resources, expand various communication media, and facilitate cross-cultural communication and integration. These efforts contribute to a more extensive and in-depth global dissemination of TCM culture.

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