中国法律体系对国家发展的悖论分析An Analysis of the Paradoxes in China’s Legal System and Its Impact on National Development
悖论, 囚徒困境, 严刑重税, 劣币驱良币Abstract
China’s historical and cultural background determines that the country can only adopt a centralized system. However, the implementation of the rule of law requires the separation of powers and checks and balances, which, in turn, could lead China into political fragmentation and turmoil. As a result, China’s legal system must continuously reinforce centralization. The defining characteristic of a centralized system is that most state power is concentrated in the central government. However, the central government faces the challenge of information asymmetry, necessitating increased administrative expenditures and higher tax revenues, ultimately pushing China's legal system toward “harsh penalties and heavy taxation.” National development is fundamentally reflected in the development of enterprises, yet “harsh penalties and heavy taxation” inevitably lead to a survival-of-the-fittest scenario where bad money drives out good, trapping national development in a vicious cycle.

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